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PokéSpe ORAS Pokémon Special ORAS chapters

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who can translate this moment?

I think that they made 2 parts of this chapter because the book ~ The Art of Pocket Monsters SPECIAL ~ was released this month and the two authors went to some Pokémon Centers in Japan to sign some autographs :yeahyeah: and they have to work on the next XY chapter (and B2W2 for the next volume) so y didn't have much time. But the next one will be like always (I think asd) but for now we have to wait until the official website update :yesyes:

We have to wait until someone translate the chapter :coffee:

Well, it's not a translation but at least we know what happened in this chapter:
  • You can choose where you end up when you travel through Hoopa’s rings as long as you have your destination clearly in mind.
  • Norman tells Ruby to stop being a little sh*t who keeps worrying and hurting his loved ones.
  • The Berlitz family funded the Rayquaza project on the condition that they’d be directly involved, and both Devon and Mauville Greater Holdings provided the tech.
  • Ruby finds a tattered piece of cloth, and believes it to be part of Zinnia’s cape.
  • Ruby wonders what the connection is to the mysterious, unseen figure in the video they watch and Zinnia’s hatred of Devon.
  • Norman and Ruby attempt to further purify the Green Orb core that they took from Emerald, turning its color to jade.
  • They figure that they should go to the Embedded Tower to find Rayquaza, but with the meteors starting to fall, Rayquaza appears to try to stop them.
  • In trying to get its attention, Ruby and Norman only manage to piss it off.
  • (Castform’s Sunny Day shouldn’t have worked as Rayquaza should’ve nullified it. Maybe this’ll be corrected in the volumes; that’s happened before with mistakes. Change it to Flash?)
  • Ruby gets squished, but he manages to get the scroll out.
  • Norman attempts to control Rayquaza with the Jade Orb core, but it doesn’t work.
  • Ruby tells Norman to call Emerald as to get Hoopa to get them all back to Hoenn, Rayquaza included. He hopes to reunite with Sapphire as so they can both take on the meteor…
Source: Tumblr


Elite Top Ranger
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"with Sapphire"... that... that.... Ruby is gonna join Sapph on this. *A*

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Chapter 13 was translated into english!

Now we know that Courtney, Tabitha, Matt and Shelly are only code names and someone before used those names.
There's two protective suites! So maybe both Ruby and Sapphire will use them!
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Pokemon Trainer

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Satoshi Yamamoto updated his Twitter and announced that chapter 16 will be released tonight. The official website haven't updated with any release date... we will add the chapter in this thread when it will be added to the website :yesyes:

Chapter 16 is now live!

The next one will be released on May 3, 2016!

Sapphire is alive! XDD
Rayquaza don't listen to Ruby XDD and... Wally!
In the end Ruby managed to control Rayquaza but now... he must talk to Sapphire... this is interesting!! XD

EDIT 2: quick news about the translations: seems that in September 2016 the manga will be officially translated and released by Perfect Square
vol. 1 will be released on September 2016 while the 2nd volume on December 2016
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Elite Top Ranger
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Epicness, that is all.

PokedexHolder Ruby

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And we have a summary for this chapter! :hype:
This month’s ORAS summary, courtesy of Coronis:

We start off with a conversation between Brandon and Palmer, and we know that Palmer has just returned to Sinnoh to be with his family. He and the kids (Dia and Pearl) are watching a video clip of some funny talk show which he taped in Johto, and he is stopping the kids from going out to practice Manzai since it is dangerous (due to the asteroid). Brandon tells Palmer that the Brains have identified some suspicious people (the new Admins) near the rocket’s crash site, and have interrogated them to learn about Zinnia (anyone manage to spot Registeel? I only see Rock and Ice).

Emerald is using Hoopa’s Rings to search around for Sapphire, using his ‘thoughts’ as they have previously established that the rings lead to some place based on the user’s thoughts. After failing to locate them near the Brains, Hoopa connects it to what turns out to be Wally’s secret base on Route 120. When Sapphire fell from the sky, Aarune and Wally rescued her and healed up Tropius at the Pkmn Center (it’s explained that Tropius took the hit for Sapphire and thus no scar on her). Before Emerald could speak with Sapphire, Archie and Maxie show up and say that the titans have mastered their new attacks. Hoopa angrily attacks the titans but then this scene was spotted by Rayquaza (it seems that Hoopa kept that portal to Johto open). The Green/Jade Orb apparently works somehow since Ruby was able to use it to get Rayquaza to head towards the portal, but it becomes berserk when it sees Groudon and Kyogre. Norman is thrown off, and Rayquaza decides to intervene with the other two. However, Granny says they couldn’t allow a battle and Hoopa connects the two portals, causing Rayquaza and Ruby to end up on Route 120.

Rayquaza then throws Ruby off, only to be saved by Wally, who has now markedly powered up, capable of stunning Rayquaza with his Magnezone. Ruby then confronts Rayquaza, and postulates that its anger comes from the fact that it wishes to do something about the asteroid but couldn’t do anything because it has lost the person it could bond with (Aster?). He proposes that they work together, and apparently the dragon agrees. Sapphire then shows up on Tropius and it’s time for some explanation from Ruby.

Source: tumblr

PokedexHolder Ruby

"The Charmer"
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:hype::hype::hype:Can't waiiitttt SAPPHIRE AND RUBY ARE FINALLY IN THE SAME PLACE :hype::hype:

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Chapter 14 was translated!!

So Maxie and Archie wants to save the world... and there's 3 plans to save the world...

Pokemon Trainer

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Chapter 17 is now live!!

Ruby and Sapphire get face to face, but Sapphire still can’t speak. Ruby makes his apology, but Sapphire is mature to know that they have more important things at hand. She vows that she will not let Ruby put her to one side while he deals with the crisis, and the two agree to work together. Sapphire shows her strong personality though, and hops onto Rayquaza on her own rather than taking Ruby’s hand. Aarune mentions about the heroes who bonded with dragons at his home region of Unova.

It appears that Primal Groudon and Kyogre have forced their way out from Hoopa’s ring to reach Route 120 as well, and they appear to be heading to the Scorched Slab. Due to their forced passing, Hoopa seems to be injured somehow, and Emerald gives chase after them on the Latis. Initially, Maxie and Archie want to try the new moves on Rayquaza, but eventually decide to divert their attention on the meteors instead. We get a Precipice Blade, Origin Pulse, Dragon Ascent combo attack on the incoming meteors.

We find out out Red, Blue, Amber, and Blaise have been rescued by no other than Giovanni. Red recognizes that they are on the TR Battleship, and while Giovanni has stripped them of their Pokemon, he declares that his intention is to save the planet…

Source: tumblr
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Elite Top Ranger
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Chapter 17 now links back to Chapter 16, May.

Pokemon Trainer

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Chapter 16 was translated!! One more to go and we reached the Japanese releases!

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Yamamoto confirmed on his Twitter that the next chapter (18) will be released on June 7, 2016

Pokemon Trainer

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Yes, i asked him and he replied :)
Congrats! asd

And... chapter 17 was translated... in Polish :yeahyeah: so we have to wait for the english version
(well, I already have read the Polish one so I can wait for the english one :LOL: :lol:)

PokedexHolder Ruby

"The Charmer"
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There is a Tumblr blog called "pokesupe" (in japanese) and he already translated it
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